Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Fyne Autumn Colours

Autumn is always a beautiful season in Argyll - even if the weather has been overwhelmingly damp! The rain or grey clouds don't dull the vibrancy and variety of colours on the hills and in the forests one iota.
Still stunning despite the rain - Glen Fyne from the Tree Shop
These vibrant colours are everywhere in the garden centre as well - we have an abundance of fruit trees displaying amazing leaves and tiny gem like fruits
Malus Golden Hornet - a type of crab apple tree
Malus Red Sentinel - pretty scarlet crab apples
Plus lots of other colorful, seasonal plants and trees:
Heathers in all sorts of rich shades
Stunning leaf shades on a Red Oak
and plants like the Penettya Mucronata - a type of broad leaf evergreen shrub - it flowers in May and June but it's stunning berries, which develop in summer persist, through autumn & winter & long into the following spring without any sign of wearing out!  They come in all sorts of amazing shades of pink, white, lilac and red and add a real splash of colour through the duller autumn and winter months

And the Tree Shop Cafe continues to excel in tempting us all with amazing cakes, delicious soups and, new for autumn, hot baked potatoes with scrumptious fillings. As always, all our food is sourced locally and cooked on site by our fantastic cafe team and we are very lucky to count Sheila Whyte amongst our number - not only does she bake like a dream her range of Fyne Preserves are set to go global! Try and buy the next time you pop in!  

Of course, Autumn is a mere fleeting presence as we gear up for (deep breath!) XMAS! So watch out for our next blog bringing you all sorts of great gift ideas for the gardener, walker, cook or just the one you love! And don't forget our feathered friends - we've got lots to keep them happy and well fed over the next few months!
Visit our website (which is going to have a fantastic makeover during November and December!) to find out more about stock, special offers, planting tips and what's for lunch! www.thetreeshop.net

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